Rumours of iPad Pro and New Apple TV surface ahead of Apple's Sept 9 event

Rumours of iPad Pro and New Apple TV surface ahead of Apple's Sept 9 event

The rumours are flying thick and fast now and the latest is that Apple could launch an iPad Pro as well introduce a redesigned Apple TV that will use Siri heavily and include universal search across all it's channels.

It's an absolute lock that Apple will introduce the next version of it's iPhone but could we also expect to see and iPad Pro? 9to5Mac reports:

"The “iPad Pro” (which is actually the planned name of the device) is currently scheduled to hit retail outlets in November, following a pre-order campaign that will launch toward the end of October, sources indicate. While whispers within Apple point to the MacBook-sized tablet making its debut on next week’s stage, it is possible that Apple could still hold back the larger iPad for an early October event given the currently planned November ship date."

Here's a great video from MacRumors on what we might expect from an iPad Pro.

On top of that, more details have leaked about what to expect from the refreshed Apple TV, including a universal search feature that will let you search for any show, movie or even actor across all the channels currently available on the platform. Buzzfeed reports:

"Sources familiar with Apple’s plans say that a cornerstone of the the company’s new set-top box is a universal search feature that will enable searches across multiple streaming video services as well as Apple’s iTunes Store. Instead of searching the catalogs of multiple video services one at a time for a particular movie, you’ll now be able to search all — or most of them — at once and then choose the service on which you’d like to watch it. You’ll also be able to search for actors and directors, and run other more targeted searches as well — all with Siri."

This is shaping up to one of the biggest events Apple has held in recent times!

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